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"Where did you say she went off to, Ganko?" Recca asked. "Sh-she...she said she was going to go swimming..." the little girl replied in between sobs. "She went swimming in the dark?" Kagero wondered aloud. "No...it wasn't dark yet..." said Ganko, "It was about sunset when ...when she told me she was going for a swim..." "And it's already 9 in the evening!" exclaimed Domon, " It's been three hours! Why hasn't she come back? She could be in danger!" he slammed his fist angrily at the wooden dinner table, punching a hole right through it. "My darling Fuuko is in trouble!" he cried. Tokiya smirked. "Get a hold of yourself, Ishijima. She probably doesn't want to see your face for a while so she wandered off for a more relaxing view."' "Why you..." Domon almost hit Tokiya with his fist when Recca stopped him. "Domon..." Recca pried his friend away. Recca glared annoyingly at Tokiya who was seemingly unaffected. He then turned towards his foster father. "Father, I'm worried. Fuuko isn't the type to wander off like this. Something might have happened to her." Shigeo nodded. "Yes, I am afraid too. It's too long for her to be floating in the water. Of course she could've gone sightseeing. But still...it doesn't look normal." he sighed, "There's a dangerous area of waters that's not too far from here. The currents there are awfully strong. It's possible she got caught in the tide." "Then we've got to look for her before..." Yanagi said. "Before she ends up being fish food." Tokiya interrupted. He stood up and took his ensui. He walked out the door, declaring, "If anybody wants to come with me to look for her, come on. Time musn't be wasted." "I'm coming." Kaoru called. Shigeo nodded and followed the two outside. "Yanagi, you and Mother stay here." Recca instructed," You too, Ganko. Wait for Fuuko, in case she arrives." He motioned towards Domon. "Come on, let's go look for Fuuko." The group separated in three directions, each carrying searchlights. Kagero called the resort office to report Fuuko's disappearance. Yanagi in the meantime stood guard by the terrace, looking over the shores and the sea for any sign of their missing friend. Fuuko reached out her right hand, grasping for anything...anything to hold on to to keep herself from sinking through the murky, dark depths of the water. She struggled, kicking through the strong tug of the sea beneath her feet. It was as though she had got caught in a web and the spider who had woven it was now pulling her towards its hungry mouth. She fought endlessly, trying to resurface. She could taste salty seawater in her mouth. I can't...I can't get up...she cried inside her head...but I must..I must not sink...God help me. Where are my friends? Recca! Domon! Tokiya! Anybody...don't let me....drown...please...don't let me... She then felt as if she was falling...falling freely. The spider had her wrapped in a silken net and was closing in for the kill. No...I can't let this happen...help me...I can't move...why can't I move...I can't die...I won't die...no. Everything had become blurred at this point and the last thing she remembered was the spider's web had wrapped itself firmly on her wrist. Mother...Father....she thought...goodbye... Fuuko opened her eyes litttle by little. She was greeted by white clouds hanging over her head. The wispy clouds flowed dramatically as the wind blew them. Have I died and gone to heaven? she thought. As her conscious mind began to surface, she realized that the vision before her were not clouds, but fine lace curtains suspended on two bedposts . They danced gracefully under the guidance of a sea breeze that blew from a window not too far behind. Where am I? Fuuko
tried to get up despite the fact that every movement she made sent pain
shooting to every part of her body. She rubbed her eyes and glanced at
her surroundings. She was in a room, a spacious area surrounded by wood
panel walls and floors. It was a lot similar to the one at the cottage
she had stayed in at the resort, only a little more grandiose. The walls
were decorated with painted seashells and elaborately designed sea flora.
The room was fully furnished with sofa chairs, tables, and a TV-video set.
A little to the left side of the room was an open door which led to a balcony.
From there, Fuuko could hear the angry ramblings of the sea crashing towards
the shore.
Fuuko pushed the blankets away and despite her weary muscles, attempted to get off the bed. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from crying out from the pain of her sore body. She slipped her feet into the fluffy yellow slippers by the bed and stood. It took a little while to get her on her feet but she made it. Slowly she made her way to the open door of the bedroom and kept her steps light and quiet as she walked down the bare hallway. Her feet led her to a den where she was greeted by the smell of burning firewood. She entered a room twice the size of the bedroom, furnished and decorated with the same grandeur. Most prominent of this was the fireplace whose warmth filled the entire area. A carpet lay in front of it, filled with throw pillows in a array of colors. "Glad to see you're up and about." a clear, warm voice said from behind her. Fuuko was so surprised she almost jumped. She backed a step and quickly snapped her head about to see the bearer of the greeting. She found herself looking into a pair of warm, deep green eyes that stared back at her with a sparkle. His dark purple-gray, waist length hair flowed in wisps about his lean frame. He was not wearing his traditional ninja outfit, and in its place was a black t-shirt and white shorts. The headband and the sword were gone too. Fuuko was so shocked she almost didn't recognize him. "Hi." he said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He passed her and placed a tray of teacups on the table next to the fireplace. "Have a seat." he offered as he poured hot tea on two of the cups. Fuuko eyed him skeptically. She made her way to where he was and carefully took a seat on the carpet by the fireplace. Raiha took the teacups and offered one to Fuuko. "Have some." he handed her the cup. Seeing her hesitancy, he added, "Don't worry. It's not poisoned." She took it from him and took a sip. The warm liquid tasted wonderful, soothing her somewhat dry throat. Fuuko took in half of the cup's contents before putting it back on the tray. Her gaze then shifted to the man seated opposite her. He drank his tea quietly as his eyes focused on the hypnotic flames. "Where am I?" she voiced out finally. She tried to sound firm and clear to hide her weariness from her ordeal. "What am I doing here?" Raiha finished his tea before answering. "You are at my cottage..." he said. "I was on my way back to my Master's mansion when I heard a call for help. It's a good thing I was on a speedboat too. I almost didn't catch you. You were already several feet underwater when I got a hold of you." Fuuko didn't quite recall crying out for help, but she did have a faint memory of her wrist being grasped. So it was he who rescued her. The flicker of suspicion in her eyes changed into one of gratitude. "Thank you." she managed a little smile. "I owe you one." "Make that two." he smiled in return, "I recall pulling you out of the water pit in the Urabutousatsoujin, not too long ago." Despite herself, Fuuko felt the color flood her cheeks. "Oh, yeah. That one." she looked down, "Thanks a lot. Boy, I am indebted to you, aren't I?" The corner of Raiha's mouth uplifted, "Someday you'll pay me back, Fuuko-sama. Don't worry." He stood up and left the room. When he returned, he was carrying a tray with a bowl of steaming noodles. He placed the tray on a miniature table and placed it in front of Fuuko. "I'm no Master chef, but this is one of the more decent ones I can whip up." Fuuko briefly looked at him before taking the chopsticks and tasting the food he placed before her. It was pretty good and she helped herself. She didn't realize how hungry she was until now. Apparently her ordeal didn't subdue her appetite. She finished the noodles in record time. Raiha took the tray and went to the kitchen. He came back this time bringing sweets decoratively placed on a silver dish. Fuuko didn't say a word and took in a couple of delicacies in her mouth after he had offered them to her. They ate the dessert in silence. All the while, Fuuko stole secret glances at her saviour, thinking. I wonder what he wants from me, her inner mind said. She doubted any member of the Uruha Jyusshinshuu would save a Hokage ninja merely for reasons of benevolence. There must be something more that they want from them. Something then sparked in Fuuko's mind. Of course! She tried to address her idea subtlely. "And here I am without my fuujin." she spoke jokingly, watching for Raiha's reaction. He looked up from eating his dessert. He seemed to have picked up what she was implying, "You insult me, Fuuko-sama." he replied in voice that sounded a bit hurt, "Although I know that my raijin is set to do battle with your fuujin, I do realize that you are not in a condition to fight. And I for one, do not fight unless my opponent and I are on equal footing." Fuuko found herself blushing a second time, "I didn't mean...oh, look, I'm sorry." she apologized, "I'm just not quite used to this. What I mean is, you are from the Uruha Jyusshinshuu and I am a Hokage ninja...and well...you must know that our teams aren't exactly the best of friends..." He nodded, "I understand what you mean, Fuuko-sama. It's hard to trust someone whom stands on the opposite side of the fence. But please," a smile appeared, enllightening his handsome features, "Trust me with your safety for the meantime. Believe me when I tell you that I will take care of you until your recovery." All she could do was nod in reply. Inside her head, her thoughts were in a turmoil. He was, from the little she knew about him, an honorable warrior. She thinks he would hold true his promise not to fight an unarmed man. And still...she felt that there was more than meets the eye here. How could he have been at the exact time and place where she was? Somehow she found it difficult to believe he was there by chance. She looked at him, trying to dissect what ran through his brain. Raiha had been a difficult person to mindread. On the outside, he appeared gentle and harmless. Yet deep inside lay a calculating assassin. She had seen proof of that in the Urabutousatsoujin, where he fought as a one-man team and demolished everyone in his path. He was one opponent never to be underestimated, for behind his calm facade was a skilled and vicious killer. "How do I get back to my friends?" she asked casually. "I wouldn't want to bother you for so long here with my presence." He reached out and brushed a few strands of aberrant hair that fell on Fuuko's face, much to the latter's surprise. "Worry not Fuuko-sama. Your stay is never a burden to me. You are most welcome here." he paused before continuing, "If you are feeling better tomorrow then I will escort you back to where your friends are. It's not too far away from here." "Okay." she said. Fuuko tried not to show her uneasiness. When his hand swept her hair from her face, a warm current suffused through her skin at the point where they made contact with his. With all her might she prevented herself from turning crimson. "I'd like to rest now, if it's okay." "I'll show you to your room." he stood up before she could argue likewise. Raiha assisted her by holding her by the elbow, causing that warm current to electrocute her again. "I can walk by myself, thank you." she dismissed, but Raiha ignored her. He supported her gently as she walked through the corridor back to the room where she first found consciousness. She got into bed, and despite all protests, Raiha tucked her in and covered her with a warm blanket. "You shouldn't spoil me, you know." she scolded him, "I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself." He sat at the edge of the bed, "Big girls don't go off swimming in the dark in uncertain territories." he reminded her, "You're lucky the sharks didn't get to you before I did." He laughed a little when she threw him a menacing look. And before she could verbally retaliate, he reached out to her and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Good night Fuuko-sama. Sleep well. If you need me, I'll be in the next room." Fuuko muttered a brief "good night" as her eyes evaded his. It was a good thing he had his back turned, otherwise she couldn't be able to hide the warm flood of red on her face. Damn! she scolded herself, Why the hell are you blushing like a red beet? She wasn't used to this silly feeling. How he managed to elicit such an embarassing reaction from her is incomprehendable. She's never been really shy with boys before. But this one! Must be all that saltwater I ingested, she reasoned to herself. Fuuko tried to rid her head of these thoughts as she fell into bed. She closed her eyes tight, trying desperately to get Raiha's smiling face wiped off her memory bank. With physical exhaustion finally winning over her, Fuuko fell asleep. |
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