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Fuuko was resting on one of the lounge chairs at the terrace, her eyes focused on the velvety, star-studded sky. She appeared to be in deep thought as she did not seem to notice Yanagi. It was only until the latter took a chair beside her that she acknowledged her presence. "Hi!"
looked at the other girl, "What makes you think that?"
turned back and sat on the chair next to Fuuko. "What is it?"
"I don't know what actually happened. What I mean is...I don't quite understand what happened in that whirlpool. I do know that things like that happen, and maybe I was just unlucky to get tangled up in a violent tide. What I don't get is, how I was...saved." she paused to look at Yanagi who had a puzzled expression on her face. "All I remember was, that I was sinking. Then I felt something grasp my arm. And then everything turned black." "Raiha saved you, didn't he?" Yanagi stated. "That's what puzzles me the most." Fuuko stressed. "How on earth did he get there? It seems such a big impossibility for him to be there at that exact time I was drowning. It's too much of a coincidence." "Are you thinking he might be...watching you?" inquired the other girl. "I've thought of that." agreed Fuuko, "I've caught him spying on me before, during the Urabutousatsoujin, just before the finals. And...this wasn't the first time he pulled me out of the water. When Domon and I were trapped in a pit and we almost died, Raiha pulled us out." she shrugged, "He keeps on telling me about the day my fuujin and his raijin are going to face off, and all that jazz. That he'll be looking forward to the day of our match. But...don't you think he's taking this thing way too far?" A mischievous smile formed on Yanagi's face, "If you ask me, I'd say he's got a crush on you." Fuuko found her cheeks turning crimson, "Yanagi! That's impossible!" "Well, he did kiss you, didn't he?" teased Yanagi. "I was shocked when I saw it. I didn't think you would..." This time, Fuuko felt the color down to the roots of her hair, "You didn't see anything." she snarled at a giggling Yanagi. "It's not...what you think..." "Alright, alright! Don't be such a grouch about it. I'm sorry." the other girl apologized, "I was just a little surprised I guess." She raised her right hand over her heart, drawing a cross, "I promise not to tell anybody." Yanagi turned a little more serious, "Is that what's been bugging you? Raiha?" Fuuko stared heavenwards, "You could say that." "Well, I don't think I can really help out with that one." she touched Fuuko's shoulder, "Do you like him?" "I'm indebted to him." Fuuko stated flatly, "And one day he's going to ask for something in return." "Like your hand in marriage?" Yanagi teased again, much to Fuuko's dislike. "Yanagi!" "Just kidding!" she raised her hands in surrender, "Personally I don't think you should worry about it much, Fuuko. I don't know Raiha personally, but he seems to be a nice guy. I don't think he's the kind who'll make you do things you don't want to, in return for the favors he's done. You never asked for it, anyway. He doesn't have a right to be demanding." "I suppose you're right. I never asked him to save my life." she sighed, "But I'm thankful he did." "So are we." Yanagi smiled, "I can't imagine what it would be like without having you around. Domon would have a flying fit." She stifled a yawn. "You'll have to excuse me Fuuko, I am a bit tired." "Go ahead," Fuuko said, "I'll be following shortly." Yanagi disappeared behind the door. Fuuko again took her place by the lounge chair. She was about to lay down when she thought she heard something. She turned about only to find a shadow approaching her. "Who are you?" she demanded, taking hold of the chair in case this intruder came closer. "How easily you forget, Fuuko-sama." that familiar, warm, clear voice greeted her. At the time the clouds chose to part, unveiling the full moon and casting a luminance over the approaching figure. He stopped a few feet away from her, and strangely, Fuuko felt her heart beat just a little faster. "Back in your ninja outfit, I see." she commented to the tall silhoutte of the man who stood before her. His handsome face was bathed in moonlight, enhancing his features and making his green eyes appear like twinkling stars. Fuuko shifted her gaze away from his face, "What brings you here?" "I came here to warn you." he said softly, as if trying not to be heard. "Mori Kouran is out to hunt you down. he's sent his assassins to eliminate you." Fuuko dismissed, "That's no big secret. He's been trying to rid the earth of us Hokage Ninjas the minute he laid his beady eyes on us....Oooppss...sorry about that. What I mean is...it's pretty obvious..." she then put her arms on her hips, "Say....how do I know you're not the one he set ut to put me out?" Raiha shook his head, "I don't mean that Fuuko-sama." He stepped up closer to Fuuko, "What I mean is, he's after you. He specifically asked his henchmen, the other members of the Uruha to get rid of you." She shot him a questioning look, "Why would he want that? I didn't kill Kurei. And I sure as don't have healing powers like Yanagi or the power of Recca's flame dragons." Raiha could still recall the conversation he had with Mori Kouran the day he returned to the mansion after taking Fuuko back to her friends. "Raiha, what's this I hear about you dating a Hokage ninja?" Mori Kouran accused him. "No,
Mori-sama. That isn't true." he had denied, looking straight into the evil
man's dysconjugate eyes.
"I saved a drowning person, Whether he or she is a Hokage or not does not make a difference." Raiha replied, "Oh, but it does...it does... my boy." Mori Kouran said, "Raiha, I've known you for quite some time, and I know your unyielding loyalty to that good-for-nothing ex-son of mine, Kurei and the Uruha Jyusshinshuu. I do not wish to question your faithfulness to this group. But helping out a Hokage..." he shook his head, "And I do mean, Hokage ninjas...the enemy...the very same people who ruined all my plans...messed up my perfectly smooth life...why...that's tantamount to betrayal, don't you think?" Raiha responded stiffly, "I am an Uruha assassin, trough and through, Mori-sama. I see no act of treason in merely recuing one who is in great danger. I have not divulged anything that would cause harm to this organization. My intentions are purely personal. My conscience could not take it if I were to leave one to die, when I have the option to save him or her." "But not a Hokage ninja!" Mori Kouran screamed, banging his fist on the table between him and Raiha. "I do not like the way things are turning, Raiha. You seem to be siding with these wretched children...and don't think I haven't noticed it! If you weren't a valuable asset to the Uruha, I'd have your head on a platter, right now!" He stood up and eyed Raiha. "If this happens again, there will be no more turning back for you! You will be joining your useless Master Kurei in hell!" he warned. Raiha did not speak, but turned his back slowly. He walked out and left. A few hours later, Neon came up to him, with an anxious expression on her face. "Raiha!" Neon called in a whisper, "He means those threats, aren't you concerned? If you don't stop seeing Fuuko, he'll have both your hides!" "I never let anything stop me before, Neon. You know that." he said, "I will protect Fuuko-sama, if it means giving up my life." Neon shook her head, "God, you are a stubborn fool." She looked around before speaking again, "I heard Mori Kouran order some of the special forces to track Fuuko down and kill her." A cloudy expression crossed his face, "Then time must not be wasted." He put his hand on Neon's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "You're a good friend, Neon. You'd know what to do if anything happens to me..." "Raiha..." she started voicing out her protest when the determined look on his face silenced her. "Alright. I know I can't stop you. Be careful, you lovesick idiot." she laughed briefly before bidding him goodbye and wishing him luck. "She is a lucky girl, ne? To be adored by someone as obstinate as you are. Do you suppose she'll love you back?" It was his turn to laugh, "Are you talking about Fuuko-sama or yourself and Master Kurei?" He wisely disappeared into the dark before Neon's reply. "What does he want from me?" Fuuko's query brought him back to the present time frame. "What have I done?" Because he knows I am in love with you and he thinks I'm betraying the Uruha Jyusshinshuu by doing so, he had wanted to say, but the words stopped before he had a chance to utter them. "Mori Kouran's spy had seen me bring you back here. He thinks I have relayed information to you about the Uruha." "Well if that's the case, why doesn't he have you put out?" Fuuko said without thinking. She then apologized, "Look...sorry. I didn't mean it that way...what I meant was...I don't get it. How do I figure out in this?" Raiha stepped up closer to Fuuko and held her by the shoulders, "Fuuko-sama...how do I tell you this?" the fact that her skin making contact with his sent electricity coursing through him was no help at all. "He does not like what I do, Fuuko-sama. My helping of you is equivalent to treachery in his eyes. If he kills you, it would teach me a lesson to think twice before aiding what he believes to be the enemy." "Your Master is a major whacko. I don't understand his logic at all." she shook her head, She turned to smile at Raiha, "But thanks for the warning anyway. You're an awfully nice guy, you know that? if I didn't know better, I'd think you were Hokage instead of Uruha." "Fuuko-sama..." he spoke her name like an enchantment. Raiha could not take his eyes off her face. The moonlight on her sweet features cast a spell on him. Her eyes sparkled like the stars in the velvety sky and her soft lips were so inviting. The sight of her always did take his breath away. Before he got a hold of himself, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Fuuko closed her eyes when his warm mouth came down on hers. Somewhere in her brain she knew this was coming, but apparently she had not the power to stop it. How can I stop it, she thought. It's not possible. And she had to admit she kind of liked it too. Raiha was a gentle kisser. One could feel the warmth and tenderness coming from him. Not that she had anyone to compare it to, as she had never been kissed. She could feel an inner current sweeping through her being, and it was making her warm all over despite the cold breeze of the night. I wonder if this feeling would last forever, she thought through her shackled brain. Without realizing it, her arms had come around him, finding its way on his broad, muscled back. She held him as close as she could. Raiha felt a stab of guilt, causing him to withdraw from the embrace. He pulled back and stared at her beautiful face. Her eyes were still closed, as if in a dreamstate. He had to admit he was still a little dazed himself. I can't do this, he thought. I must not. She doesn't love me...she's only feeling grateful...and I musn't take advantage of it. He released her slowly. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he said, "Fuuko-sama...I...I must take leave of you now. We can't risk Mori Kouran's men finding me here...he might go ballistic. F-forgive me for causing you trouble, Fuuko-sama...I didn't mean to...put your life in danger." She dismissed him, "Hey don't think that. That boss of yours is just a little too twisted in the head. Besides..." she reasoned, "I knew what I was risking the day I recieved my fuujin. No big deal. I think he'd have our hides anyway, even if you don't put in an appearance." She gave him a tap on the shoulder, "And I do owe you my life, don't I? If it weren't for you, they'll be holding a service for me now. So don't sweat it okay? You don't have to apologize for anything." Fuuko wondered if he was apologizing for kissing her too. "Allow me to protect you, Fuuko-sama. " he offered earnestly. "Let me guard you from these assassins." "You can't be that guilty!" she laughed, trying to hide the nervous quiver in her voice, "You don't have to guard me from anything. I can take care of myself. I've done it a hundred times. But I do appreciate the offer. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were being overprotective of me, though what for I can't imagine." "Fuuko-sama..." "I can take care of myself." she stated firmly, "And I do have my friends to help me out, in any case. So quit being a worry wart. If you're anxious I wouldn't live to the day our madougus will face off, then you've got another thing coming. I assure you, I'll be there when the time comes, okay?" she guaranteed. She took a step back to distance herslf from him. His nearness somehow was becoming uncomfortable. "If you insist..." was all he said. Deep inside he hurt from her rejection of his offer. But then, he knew Fuuko was too independent and headstrong to accept help from anybody, no matter how risky things can get. She was extremely self-reliant and confident of her abilities, some of the qualities he admired so much in her. He then took a few steps backward, "Until then, Fuuko-sama, I'll keep an eye on you..." "Yeah, yeah, whatever." she shooed him away. "You're the one who should be careful from that looney boss of yours. Take care, bye now!" And with a nod, Raiha disappeared in the night. Fuuko took a sigh of relief when he left. God, was that man unnerving! She was surprised she was able to hold off for that long. The minute he had kissed her, she felt as though her knees would buckle and give in. And even the aftershock was as severe. Good thing she had held on to the lounge chair for support. She felt herself blushing when she remembered the way he had held her and the way she had reacted to it. Stupid, stupid girl! she scolded herself. Why did you allow this thing to happen? And this wasn't the first time that it did. Raiha had kissed her twice, and here she was reacting like this. Could it be perhaps because it was her first kiss? Her inner brain screamed, and she shook her head to clear the thought. It was a good thing none of her friends saw her. Otherwise, they'd think she was conspiring with the enemy! She then remembered his warning of Mori Kouran wanting to get to her. She still didn't quite comprehend why he'd want her dead. Just because his spy saw Raiha rescuing her...if he was thinking of treachery, then shouldn't it be Raiha who he'd send to his maker? She couldn't put the puzzle together, and decided to postpone thinking for tomorrow. Right now, she felt so heady she couldn't think straight. Fuuko concluded that she must be extra careful from now on. she resolved not ever to remove her fuujin from her arm, as it was the only way to save herself. And she was going to be safe, with or withour Raiha's protection. |