Opposites Attract
Chapter Three
Author’s Note: To tell you the truth, I’ve never even seen Joker using his physic device before so I kinda made up all that stuff about him floating into the air. Please send me comments if I’m wrong. =) 

Joker bandaged up Neon’s wounds and laid her gently on her bed with Raiha at his side. “So they were looking for the madougos you two had? I mean the one you have.” The Uruha ninja suddenly remembered that Mikagami of Team Hokage in the UBS had destroyed Neon’s flute and physic device.

“Yep. But I don’t think we’ll have anymore trouble since we defeated all of them,” Joker said in his heavily accented voice. “Neon-han will be fine right?” He asked as he looked at the sleeping woman.

“Of course she will,” Raiha reassured him and chuckled slightly. “You do care for Neon a lot don’t you?” He looked at Joker suspiciously.

Joker looked at Raiha in surprise and blushed slightly which he very seldom did. If it was not for Raiha’s sharp eye, he might not have seen the faint colour on his friend’s face as most of it was hidden by the big mask he always wore. “Of course I do, Raiha-san,” He grinned and his fangs showed themselves once more. “After all, she IS a fellow member of the Uruha…” His voice trailed off as their master entered the room in his red cloak.

“Is she alright?” Kurei asked them as he walked over to Neon’s side, placing a hand on her head. Raiha nodded and Kurei smiled in relief. “Good. I’m going to take Violet home now, alright? Tell Neon that if she wakes up.” He walked out of the room as quickly as he had come.

“Neon-han won’t be very happy to hear that,” Joker commented. Raiha laughed and nodded.

“I think he’s going to be happy with her don’t you think, Joker-san?” The ninja asked as Joker fiddled with his braids.

“Yes, he will,” Joker nodded, retying one of them. “I do hope that Neon-han won’t get too sad. As we both know, Neon-han likes Kurei-sama a lot and he doesn’t exactly feel the same way about her. So I hope she won’t feel too upset. She’s such a sweet, kind woman and it wouldn’t really be fair if she gets treated this way.” Joker grinned and showed his fangs. “I would definitely appreciate it if a woman like her cared for me the way she cared for Kurei-sama. ” Joker turned around so Raiha wouldn’t see his blush come up again. Why am I feeling this way?

Raiha was surprised. He would never have thought that the mostly arrogant, and egotistical man would have said such a thing considering the fact that he and Neon-han were at loggerheads most of the time.

“I’ll go back to my room now,” Joker stood up from the chair and walked out of the room. “I’ll try not to write anything too cheesy this time. But I’m so gifted in so many ways don’t you think, Raiha?” He clasped his hands together and sighed happily as if he was in love with himself. Raiha laughed and Joker left the room.

Now that’s the Joker I know. Raiha was relieved that Joker seemed more like himself now. Neon stirred in her bed and Raiha stood up, checking on her.

“W-what happened? Raiha?” Neon asked the Uruha ninja groggily. Raiha smiled and patted her head.

“Joker told me that you were injured by one of the ninjas that wanted to attacked you two.” Neon’s eyes flashed as she remembered what happened. “So where’s Joker-san?” She asked as she sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in her back.

“He’s in his room, trying to write a story again.”

Neon nodded. “Where’s Kurei-sama?” Her eyes lit up as she asked about their master. Raiha smiled cheekily. “He sent Violet home.” Neon frowned and she scowled. Raiha grinned. “But you can’t really blame master Kurei for liking her, Neon-san.”

Neon sighed and crossed her arms across her chest. “I know. But still…”

“Maybe you should go for someone else instead.” Raiha suggested, thinking of his braided- hair friend.

Neon gawked at Raiha. “YOU?!” She immediately jerked away from the sheepish-looking Raiha. “No! Not me. Fuuko-san is the one for me.” Hearts started pooping madly out from Raiha’s eyes and Neon sweatdropped. “Hey, calm down, you idiot. What makes you think that you and Fuuko can be an item?” Raiha sighed dreamily and starts hopping up and down, pouring out hearts in all directions. “Because we’re destined to be together!” Neon looks at the usually calm and sensible Raiha and sighs disdainfully. Raiha composes himself and sits back down on the chair near Neon’s bed. “Seriously, I was thinking of someone else.” Neon’s eyebrows shot up. “Who? Someone I know?” Raiha smirked. Heh heh… I wonder what her reaction will be… He nodded and grinned. “Yep. Our very own Joker-san.”

Neon stared at him for a moment. “WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!” Raiha sweatdropped and jumped out of his seat, proceding to hide behind the chair. Neon calmed down and she smiled. “Oi! Don’t be so chicken will you? I don’t even have my flute anymore.” Raiha stood up slowly (and very kawaii if you can imagine it) and tip-toed back into his seat. “So are you kidding? Me and the obnoxious, self-centered Joker?”

Raiha nodded simply. “He might seem like a really umm…” Raiha searched his mind for the right word. “Ego-very-big guy but I think he’s different inside…” Raiha looked at Neon. “He really seems to care for you. He said that he hoped you wouldn’t be too sad if Kurei-sama ever ended up with Violet.”

Neon scoffed. “Are you sure he said that? If sounds like the tall guy cares. You probably heard wrongly.” Ugh… Me and Joker? Well… maybe if he was a little less arrogant and maybe a little bit more sensitive and affectionate… Wait a minute… I must be losing my mind here. Anyway, Raiha must have heard wrong… No doubt about it…

Raiha looked at Neon seriously and shook his head. “I heard every word he said. He also said that you are a sweet, kind woman so he would hate to see you sad and hurt because of Kurei.” Neon’s expression softened and she listened intently to the ninja. “He said that he would greatly appreciate it if someone like you cared for him the way you care for Kurei. And he was the one who carried you back to the mansion, bandaged your wounds.” Neon’s eyes had a faraway expression. She sighed. “He really said that?” Raiha nodded and smiled. “Hey, Raiha-san…” She looked suspiciously at him. “Are you sure you’re not lying and playing match-maker?” Raiha smiles and nods cheekily. Note: If you were paying attention, you would have noticed that our Raiha has his fingers crossed behind his back. >=) Lucky for him, Neon doesn’t notice that.*

Neon’s mind wandered as she thought about the things Joker had said about her. Finally, someone appreciates me… The things I do… At last… It’s been so long… Tears of happiness threatened to show in her eyes, and it took all of her strength not to show it to Raiha. Raiha noticed this and stood up. He started to walk of out of the room. “I’ll leave you alone now, Neon-san. Good night.” Neon bowed slightly at him as he left. The door closed softly behind him and she waited until he walked down the stairs before she hopped out of her bed. She winced at the pain in her back but continued to walk down the corridor to Joker’s room.

Joker leaned back in his chair after her switched off the monitor. He closed his eyes and sighed. Hmmph. I’m still writing all that cheesy stuff. Luckily Raiha-san isn’t here or else-

“Joker-san? Can I talk to you for a moment?” Neon’s velvet voice broke away his thoughts as she stepped into the room. He opened his eyes and stood up.

“What is it, Neon-han?” He walked over to the orange-haired woman. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. Hmm… what’s up with her? She never acts like this… “Umm… I just wanted to thank you for tending to my wounds and for carrying me back here after the fight.” She looked at his face, his eyes still hidden by his cap.

“No problem, Neon-han,” Joker grinned and his fangs showed themselves.

“And also…” Neon bit her lip. “ Thanks for appreciating all the things I do.”

Joker’s eyebrows shot up but that action couldn’t be seen by Neon. “Wha?”

Neon smiled. “Raiha told me some information.” Ohh… That Raiha. Maybe tonight I’ll use Taishaku Kaiten and make him as light as a cloud when he’s sleeping so when he wakes up he’ll find himself floating in the air… “It’s been a long time since anyone appreciated anything I did… or me.” Neon smiled and kissed Joker on the cheek.

Joker almost fainted with surprise after having a little peck on the cheek. Can it be that…? Neon-han… likes me? Before she could pull away, Joker grabbed her and kissed her on the lips. Neon’s eyes widened before she too, was lost in the passionate kiss. Neon rested her head on Joker’s chest as he put his arms around her. They stayed that way for awhile. And all the time, out cheeky little ninja was watching from the crack in the door. Raiha smiled as she watched the two of them in their embrace.

He walked to his room. Now if only Fuuko would do that to me…


Writer’s note: Okay, I did follow some stuff about the cheesy stories and everything from Bottou-chan. Gomen ne. Hope she doesn’t mind. =) Hope you enjoyed it too. ^^