Chapter 3
Ice Breaker
March 13, 2000
Tokiya pushed the door to his computer class and entered. He ignored the eys that greeted him on his arrival, even as they followed him all the way to his seat. Its' been like this since the day he stepped in university and he was rather used to it. Only this time, their stares were glued longer than before and this irked the ensui master.

"Mikagami!" called Hagiri, the class president. He approached Tokiya, took his hand and shook it, "Congratulations! I didn't know you had an actor in you."

"You lucky bastard!" called in another classmate, "Boy would I have loved to be in your shoes!"
"You make our section proud." chimed in another.
"We'll be cheering for you all the way!"

A look of extreme bewilderment was registered on Tokiya's face. His classmates all gathered round him and gave him pats on the back and handshakes.  It wasn't until the professor arrived that all the furor died down.

"Mikagami-san." the lady teacher spoke after acknowledging the class greeting. Tokiya stood up. "Congratulations. you're perfect for the part."

"Excuse me, Kamami-sama?" he asked, still puzzled.

"You aced the lead male part, didn't you?" the teacher smiled, "We'll all look forward to your performance."

Mikagami was left open-mouthed.


He found himself back at Kabuki Hall at 4 PM. The director had called for a meeting of all the students who passed the audition. It was during lunch break when Tokiya found out that he had been given the male lead of the play. His name was on top of the audition-passers list. Seeing it there (with lots of heart written on it obviously by other students) annoyed him enough not to notice anything else so he didn't know who else had passed the audition. He was muttering a multitude of curses and regretting his decision when Inoki found him.

"Cheer up Mikagami." smiled his friend, "It's not everyday to get lead in an all-star play." Inoki then winked mischievously. "Besides, you get to kiss the one who plays Beauty. And from what I know, she's a babe."

"Ahhhh...shut up Takameda." snarled Tokiya as they left for the next class.

Now Tokiya sat, staring blankly at the director who explained the rehearsal schedules, the roles they were to play and their target dates. Mikagami was listening half-heartedly, thinking of a way to get out of the play.

" about we try the first scene, ne?" the director suggested, making the group break up and make their way towards the stage. It was at this point that Tokiya approached the director.

"Excuse me, Hamaguchi-san." he called the director.
"Yes, Mikagami-san?" the short, curly-haired, bespectacled Drama instructor turned to Tokiya.
"I was just wondering..." said the ensui master, "Why did you chose me? I mean...I didn't really put my best foot forward in that audition."

A wide smile covered Hamaguchi's face. "You didn't have to act, Mikagami-san. You're a natural grouch." The director sweatdropped when a crossed look lit Tokiya's features. "What I mean is, you're perfect for the part! You were so...cold, uncaring, indifferent and grumpy yesterday you literally aced it. You don't have to act. You were born that way!"

"Thanks a lot." sneered Tokiya. He threw the script away and turned his back, walking away. "I quit."

"See? What did I tell you? You're a natural!" beamed the director. Then realizing he meant what he said, he ran after the ensui wielder.

"Oh, wait, wait!" the director blocked Mikagami's path. "You can't quit. You're my star!"

"Not anymore." Tokiya spoke with finality. Hamaguchi dropped on his knees and embraced Mikagami's waist, much to the latter's irritation and embarassment.

"Oh please, no!" pleaded the director. "You're the only one worthy of the role. The rest of the auditioners couldn't hold a candle within a fifty mile radius of you. Please don't go."

The director looked pathetic on his knees, teary eyed and what-have-you dripping from his nose. The rest of the cast were looking at them strangely. Mikagami was red down to the roots of his hair.

"Alright. Alright already." he decided, holding the director's shoulders and pulling him up to a stand. "i don't want you to make a fool out of yourself." he sighed. Hamaguchi was already dancing with delight. "I do get to wear a mask during the play?"

"Yes, of course." the director cried in glee.
"What have I gotten myself into?" Mikagami thought aloud.


Three days into the rehearsal, Tokiya was feeling quite at home with his role. It was as though the part was made for him. He didn't have a difficult time emoting. It was also a nice way of blowing off steam fter class. Particularly when he was annoyed with a subject, a classmate or a teacher. All he had to do was release it into his role. It was an alternative way of relasing pressure. He felt good after every session, also because he hardly ever needed a double take. Despite himself, Miakgami found himself smiling.

"You know Inoki," he told his only friend one session break. "I'm beginning to enjoy this."

"See, I was right." beamed Inoki. "I hate to say I told you so..."

"Airhead..." Tokiya interrupted. His gaze shifted to a beautiful girl with lustrous blonde hair and a body to die for. "Except maybe..." he motioned to refer to her, "Working with her."

"Suzumi Kobayashi?' Inoki exclaimed in surprise, "Isn't she the one who plays Beauty? Why? She's an absolute bombshell!"

"She should be playing the Beast if you ask me," snorted Tokiya. "She's mean and snotty. And...she literally throws herself at me every single day."

"She can throw herself at me any day of the week." Inoki sighed dreamily. His daydreaming burst when Tokiya elbowed him the abdomen. "Aoiiii! What was that for?"

"You need a reality check." smirked Tokiya. "Looks aren't everything."

"Really now?" a female voice piped up from behind. "Words of wisdom from Tokiya Mikagami."

The two boys turned about simultaneously and found Fuuko standing there, a big box of props in her arms.
"Hi." Inoki greeted shyly."Let me help you with that." But before Inoki could take the box from Fuuko, Tokiya had taken the load off his former teammates' hands.

"Thanks." Fuuko smiled.

"How come I never see you on stage?" Tokiya asked. "I thought you auditioned."

"Oh I did." Fuuko said. "I got the lead female part."
Tokiya's brows shot up in question, "But I thought..."

"Suzumi?" Fuuko querried in return. "I was the one who was supposed to play Beauty...but then I realized I was better at giving orders than taking them so Hamaguchi-san made me stage manager instead." she explained. She then turned to Tokiya, "Lucky for you Mikagami. Otherwise, you'd end up kissing me in the final scene, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." she burst out laughing.

Tokiya turned purple, "What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing..." Fuuko supressed a giggle. "I just can't imagine you and me..." and Fuuko walked away laughing like a lunatic.

Tokiya smiled arrogantly, " don't know what you're missing."

Fuuko stopped laughing and faced Tokiya, obviously irritated, "Yeah right. As if you've ever kissed a girl."

"You wouldn't know." rebutted Mikagami. "I bet you couldn't kiss a frog."

Fuuko put her hands on her hips, "Well excuse me...Raiha thinks I'm a great kisser."

"If you're such a great kisser...why did he break up with you?" he taunted.

Fuuko turned pale with Tokiya's remark. The amusement disappeared from her face and was replaced by an expression Tokiya can't quite read. It was a while before she retaliated. "Relationships aren't just about kissing." And despite the fact that she hid it, Tokiya detected a quiver in her voice. And were those...tears in her eyes? Before Tokiya could interpret the look on her face, Fuuko walked away.

"Places everyone!" screamed Hamaguchi, clapping his chubby hands to get everyone's attention.
But she had disappeared behind the stage curtains.
"Oi, Mikagami!" called the director. "We don't have all day! Come up here!"
And all he could do was follow the director.

"I quit!"  screamed Suzumi Kobayashi. She stomped her feet and stormed down the stage.
"Suzumi, wait!" the director called, "What seems to be the problem?"
"Him!" the beautiful sophomore pointed an accusing finger at a very irate Tokiya. "I can't work with him anymore!"
"I'm the one you can't work with?" Tokiya counterattacked. "Just because I wont let you smooch me makes me unworkable?"
"But there is a kissing scene in the script!" defended Nozomi.
"Not in this part, there isn't." Tokiya stated as a matter-of-factly. "We're only at the part where they first met."
"Well I am not going back." threatened Suzumi. She turned and walked away with her head held up high. She just had taken 5 steps when she turned around, "Well isn't anyone going to stop me?"

Nobody said a word.

Suzumi stormed out, purple with rage.

It was a while before someone spoke out. "You know, I don't want to sound rude, but I'm glad she's out of the production." said Kogero who played Beauty's father.

"Me too." agreed Asuka. And everyone commented how diasgreeable the pretty coed was and how releived they were that she was gone.
"There's just one problem." said Toshiro, the assistant director. "Who's going to take her place?"
"I can't hold another audition!" complained the director, "We're going to fall behind schedule!"
All eyes shifted to the stage manager.
"No way." Fuuko said, "I can't...and I won't."
"Fuuko-san!" requested the director, "You were the original choice. Come on..."
"I'm sorry, Hamaguchi-sensei. I can't." Fuuko apologized.
"Why? You auditioned fot the part in the first place."
"I have other commitments." she stated firmly. "I can help you find a replacement, Hamaguchi-san. Don't worry. I know a lot of good actresses who'd be willing to work for that part."
The director's shoulders fell. "If you're sure..."
Fuuko nodded.
"I guess we'll have to rehearse the part where Beauty isn't a major part of." he declared to the rest of the cast. "Back to your places."
When Fuuko looked up, Tokiya was staring at her.