Yume: Chapter Two: 
The Second Dream 
dedicated to 
Fuuko no Miko 
By Bottou-chan
Say nighty-night and kiss me, 
Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me. 
While I’m alone and blue as can be, 
Dream a little dream of me. 
-the Mamas and the Papas


Raiha locked the door to his room and fell onto his bed, disgusted. He had delivered Koganei’s invitation to the Urabutousatsujin earlier that evening. The poor boy’s hand had been trembling. He hadn’t needed to open the envelope to know what was inside. He had been around long enough to know what it meant. 

“Kurei wants to make my death a painful one,” he had remarked, trying to joke. 

But Raiha had been serious as he had confronted the boy. “You don’t need to show up,” he had said. “Run away, go to some country where Kurei cannot follow you…” 

But Koganei had given him a strange look. “You don’t have to say that, Raiha,” he had told his former superior. Raiha had a suspicion that Koganei had expected it all this time. Perhaps he even looked forward to it. He hadn’t gone through with his suicide before… he was alive after these months living on the street… perhaps he wanted someone else to kill  him and get it over with. If that was the case, Raiha understood, although he didn’t like it. 

But he had bowed anyways and apologized. “I hope we do not meet again,” he had said stiffly and formally before vanishing into the shadows. 

It had been a rough day. He pulled the Yume from his pocket and placed it around his neck. Perhaps he would visit Koganei in a few days, after he’d had time to sort through his emotions. But he would visit Fuuko tonight. 

* * * 

“Raiha!” Fuuko cried, recognizing him instantly. She had thrown her arms around his neck and kissed him impulsively on the cheek. 

“Fuuko!” he answered, a little surprised by the sudden kiss. “What’s with the display of affection?” 

“You’re my prince, ne?” she smiled mischeviously at him. “Usually, it’s the prince who kisses the princess. But it looks like I had to take the initiative here.” 

Raiha bowed. “Always at your service, Hime,” and there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. 

There was no scenery today. Rather, they were floating aimlessly through nothingness. 

“You know, I’ve been trying to dream about you for a long time,” she remarked. “But no luck… I’d pretty much given up hope.” 

“I’m surprised you remembered me for that long,” remarked Raiha. 

“Are you kidding? You’re the most interesting person I’ve had in my dreams in ages,” said Fuuko frankly. “Most of my dreams tend to get fuzzy as soon as I wake up. By breakfast, I forget that I even dreamed them in the first place. But the dream with you was different somehow. You’re like a real person. It’s like it really happened… it stayed fresh in my memory.” 

“With lucid dreams, a different part of your mind is awake,” said Raiha. “Your memory is in your conscious mind… things you forget live in your subconscious. But everything you’ve ever experienced is in your mind… somewhere. It’s just a matter of finding it.” 

“How interesting!” remarked Fuuko. “But this is a dream that’s turning into a lecture. I don’t want to dream about school… what shall you do for me today, my Prince?” She looked teasingly at him. 

“I could help you train,” he offered. 

Fuuko wrinkled her nose. “I’ve been training nonstop for as long as I’ve been away from you. I’m sick of it. This stupid tournament coming up… But we’ll make him pay for this.” 

“Make who pay?” he pressed. 

Fuuko laughed. “For being a very knowledgeable part of myself that I didn’t even know existed, there seems to be much you’re unaware of.” 

Raiha smiled. “Perhaps I’m merely part of you trying to get another part of you to organize your own thoughts by voicing them aloud?” 

Fuuko shook her head. “New subject. Too complicated. Let’s just do something fun and mindless. Something that has nothing to do with Kurei or my madougu.” 

Raiha pondered, then looked up at Fuuko with a smile. “Look around. Where are we now?” he asked her. 

“We’re not really anywhere--- oh, no. We’re under water!” A panicked look crossed her face, but Raiha held her hands firmly. 

“Keep still and don’t worry,” he reprimanded her. “If you’re anxious, you can’t have fun. Relax. Calm down. See? You can breathe…” 

“I can,” she marveled. “I can breathe… I’m not drowning.” She glanced down at her hands which he still held in his iron grip. As her gaze traveled lower, her eyes widened. “You’ve got a fish tail.” 

“So do you. You’re a mermaid. And you’re swimming.” Raiha released her, and with a flip of his tail, he rose several yards above her. He then took a sharp turn and spiraled downwards at her like a torpedo. It was all she could do to avoid him, but she was laughing at his antics. 

I can even laugh underwater, she noted absently to herself. Aloud, she called, “You’re good! I can barely move.” 

“You just need to want to do something… and it will happen,” Raiha assured her. She chimed in with a singsong voice as he added, “Whose dream is it?” 

They played in the water for a considerable amount of time. Raiha conjured up schools of colorful fish to swim through, and a coral reef to explore. For good measure, he added in a shipwreck. And all the while, they chattered happily together. Rather, Raiha drew information from Fuuko, and she conversed with him freely. About how her mother would kill her if she found out about the Urabutousatsujin. About how her sensei would kill her if he knew she would skip a whole week. About how hard she and Domon had been training. About how she wanted to appear confident for the others, but really felt uncertain about what would happen at the tournament. 

“I’m used to fighting against Domon, and Domon’s strong,” said Fuuko, as they lazily swam through the depths. “But Domon’s not much for strategy. I’m a bit concerned… what will happen if I meet someone who’s strong and who can think their attacks in advance? I can handle myself in a pinch, of course, but I’ve never been very good at things like chess or thinking too far ahead in fights. I’m usually a lot better than the guys I fight, so I don’t have to. But if this is a tournament… I can’t afford to be so unprepared. I’m sure the competition would be stiff.” 

“Suppose you’re in a fight. Take a look at your situation,” advised Raiha. “See where the dangers are… and then try to isolate the dangers. It’s easier to take on one problem at a time, rather than facing three or four simultaneously. Don’t turn your back on the enemy. Know your enemy’s range. Know the weaknesses of your enemy’s weapons, and take advantage of that knowledge.” 

Fuuko smiled. “And I said we wouldn’t talk about fighting…” 

“You said we wouldn’t discuss Kurei or the Fuujin,” corrected Raiha, smiling. “But admit it… you’ve been so preoccupied with this tournament coming up, you can’t even escape from your worries in your dreams.” 

Fuuko nodded sadly. “I’m sure it will go all right. But it hasn’t occurred to Recca yet… what happens to us if we lose? What about our parents? Our teachers? Our friends? How will they get explanations? I doubt Kurei will call our families up and apologize for murdering us in a deathmatch and will they please come collect our bodies?” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “I’m more worried for my loved ones than I am for myself.” 

“Be confident!” encouraged Raiha. “You’ve got great potential… and the more you use your weapon, the stronger you become with it.” A shadow crossed his face. In a very calm, even voice, he added, “Fuuko… keep swimming. Don’t panic. Don’t look around.” 

“H’m?” asked Fuuko, looking around. Her eyes widened and she paled as her gaze fell upon a large, shadowy, swimming figure. “A shark…” she whispered. 

“Ignore it,” said Raiha, allowing Fuuko to take the lead. He had everything quite under control, as the shark was only there because he had willed it to be. Raiha had nothing to fear. But Fuuko didn’t know that. “Don’t seem to be bothered by it… but don’t lose sight of it, either.” 

Fuuko nodded, and kept one eye glued to the predator. She tried very hard to remain calm, but had a secret fear of sharks, ever since watching a horror movie when she was small. She increased her speed ever-so-slightly, but it was enough for Raiha to notice. 

The shark took a sharp turn and dove towards Fuuko. It happened so fast, although the girl sensed it all in slow-motion. 

“It’s coming-it’s going to eat me-Raiha!” 

“Keep an eye on it! Remember what I told you-“ 

“Help me-Raiha-it’s going to hurt me!” 

“If you can’t defeat something that’s only in your mind… if you need help to defeat a creature who doesn’t exist… how can you possibly hope to succeed in the tournament?” 

Fuuko’s eyes set in a steely glare and her teeth clenched as the shark rapidly closed the distance between them. At the last possible moment, she dodged to the side and grabbed onto its tail. 

Like sandpaper, she found herself marveling. I can feel it… She absentmindedly remembered that she had always been able to feel and smell in the dreams in which her prince was present. However, she was busy concentrating on hanging on. Its tail was incredibly strong, and it took some effort to activate the Fuujin. She sent a blade of wind lashing through the water at the fish. The wind was considerably slowed down by her underwater state, but it still managed to place a gash in the shark’s gills. And then its nose. And then a fin. Again. And again. And again. Finally, she could hold on no longer, and she let go. 

The shark swam off, injured, in search of easier prey. 

Fuuko was breathing heavily. She glanced over at Raiha as he caught up to her. 

“Good job!” he approved. “You used the shark’s own body as your defense. You knew its limitations, the range of its teeth. You knew its vulnerable points… and you attacked them. Even working under these limitations of being underwater, you were still resourceful.” 

“Don’t tell me there are going to be any sharks at the tournament,” complained Fuuko, looking challengingly at him. “I don’t want to deal with any underwater battles. I doubt I’ll do as well with scuba gear strapped to my back.” 

“If there are any sharks, you’ll know how to handle them, ne?” returned Raiha, grinning cheerfully. 

“Arigatou for your advice,” said Fuuko, and she gave him a hug, which he gently returned. She scowled up at him. “What kind of a wimpy hug is that?” she demanded. “I’m your princess… I expect better than that!” 

He raised an eyebrow ever-so-slightly, the smile turning up slightly more at one corner of his mouth. “A challenge?” he asked lightly, his arms still lightly draped over her shoulders. 

Fuuko shook  her head. “A command,” she returned, with an impish smile. “The villain has been defeated. Which means that it’s time for the hero to give his princess a crushing hug and a punishing kiss and reprimand her for making him worry in the first place.” 

“It’s your dream, ne?” responded Raiha, still with the mysterious grin. “I suppose I’ll have to capitulate to your will eventually.” 

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. One hand threaded through her purple hair; the other gently rubbed her back. He gently brushed his lips along the side of her neck, enjoying the softness of her skin and the smell of her hair, before pulling away slightly. He cupped her chin in one hand, tilting her head up. He gazed at her solemnly for several moments. 

“Mm?” murmured Fuuko questioningly, her eyes only halfway open. He shook his head. 

“Nothing,” he answered, still making no move. 

Fuuko frowned. She reached out and pulled his head closer to hers, meeting his lips with her own. “Making your Hime do all the work,” she murmured, mock-scoldingly, through their kiss. 

He couldn’t help but smile at that. Very well. It was her dream. He slid his lips over hers a little more insistently now, biting gently at her lower lip, tracing her features with gentle fingers. She murmured softly, parting her lips and allowing him to deepen their kiss. It feels so real, she marveled yet again. Even underwater, he has cologne… it smells so nice… 

Raiha pulled her against himself more tightly-and then realized that there was nothing in his arms. 

* * * 

Fuuko opened her eyes wide. “Domon!” she exclaimed irately, smashing him with the pillow. Curses! Why did he have to interrupt? 

“It’s 8 AM,” he said, rubbing his nose sadly. “Fuuko… you don’t have to be so mean about it. I always wake you up at 8 AM. We have to go train.” 

“I was having a great dream,” scowled Fuuko. “And you had to go interrupt it.” 

Domon shrugged. “How was I supposed to know? Get dressed, and we can go practice. Unless,” he added hopefully, surveying her half-open nightshirt, “You want to fight in your pajamas.” 

“Ecchi!” she yelled, hurling a pillow after his retreating figure. She sighed and flopped back onto his pillows. It was just getting good, she thought disconsolantly, touching her lips.