Opposites Attract
Chapter Two
Author’s Note: Well, you all know that Joker forfeited his match with Koganei Kaoru so he still has his Taishaku Kaiten. I don’t really know why Joker had to bring his physic device along to buy groceries but it seemed okay so gomen ne if any of you don’t like it. ^_^ 
Neon groaned and cursed silently as another twig scratched her on the leg. “Hey Joker-san, are you sure this is the way back to Kurei’s mansion?” She asked as she followed the born-in-Osaka man through the thicket.

Joker turned around to face her and grinned. “Of course I ‘m sure!” He assured her as he pushed away branches which were blocking the way. “It’s just that we don’t want to take any chances on letting Kouran’s men see us. Besides, this is a shortcut and it won’t kill you.” The heavily armored Uruha member told her.

They had finished buying the groceries and were now heading back to Kurei’s house. Neon gritted her teeth and angrily brushed away another branch which had scratched her. I wonder if it’s possible to get diagnosed with Branch-scratch-itis…

She stopped as the tall Uruha assassin held up his hand, ordering her silently not to move. “What’s wrong, Joker-san?” Joker turned around, clutching his magdougo tightly.

“I heard something just now. It sounded like someone was hiding in the bushes.” They turned to look at the bushes, and as they did, eight ninjas jumped out, decked in dark masks and evil grins.

Joker and Neon stepped back. “How are you going to fight without that flute of yours?” Neon smirked. “I’ll manage.”

One of the ninja exclaimed softly. “Aha! They’re the ones with the Hokage Clan madougos. Come on, let’s get them.”

Joker smirked as the men came charging towards them. It was obvious that they didn’t know both of them had been Uruha assassins . He jumped forward and used his Taishaku Kaiten. Slowly, one of them cried out loud “What?! I can’t move my legs! No! It’s like it weighs a hundred kilos!”

Joker grinned and concentrated on doing the same with his physic device to the other ninjas. Neon was kicking and punching them with such skill anyone would think that she was a professional wrestler. Joker didn’t realize that one of the ninjas had jumped behind him and gasped as the ninja slashed him in the arm with a dagger. He used his Taishaku Kaiten and within seconds his body became light as a feather as he rose up into the air. After controlling the ninjas which weren’t attacking Neon-han, he used his physic device and jumped down, kicking and knocking the ninjas, who were useless, to the ground. A ninja jumped behind Neon and raised his hand, ready to strike.

“Neon-han! Watch out!” Joker cried out and Neon looked at him in surprise. The blade of the dagger came down onto Neon, slashing her back badly. Neon cried out in pain and Joker watched in horror as she fell to the ground, unconscious. Joker glared and the ninja and charged towards him as anger bubbled up in him. Protecting himself with the  Taishaku Kaiten, he used the sharp edge of the physic device, stabbing the man in the gut. The had-been-ninja screamed in pain before falling to the ground. Blood gushed out everywhere from his wound as Joker lifted up Neon and carried her.

His worried face glanced at Neon-han, who was unconscious from the deep cut in her back. He tightened his grip around her body and hurried back to Kurei’s mansion. Hoo boy. I don’t think Kurei-sama is going to be pleased about this…