wooha raiha pics!
All pics are courtesy of Firetigress' Raging Fire, Bottou-chan FoR Museum, Byran's FoR Gallery and Kamiya Shuusai's Uruha Jyusshinshuu and Quantum Queen's FOR with no Focus on Recca. All are free for taking, though I gotta say give credit to the respective owners of the pics.  The images beginning with the file name XQ (namely starting from the second row, column three and onwards) were cropped from original manga scans by Quantum Queen. All cropping and editing done by me. Free for the taking but PLEASE give us a little credit. I do not appreciate image stealing...heck, let me rephrase that. Go ahead and steal, but do let everyone else know where you stole them from. Alright?  No hentai pics of Raiha either mwahaha.
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raihaumph.jpg  raihauruhakurenai.jpg  raihatall.jpg  rhdouble.jpg  raihatrips.JPG 
 raihavsnoroi.jpg raihawonders.jpg   Xqraikne.JPG Xqraihit.JPG  Xqrainon.JPG 
Xqraitou.JPG   Xqraihawave.jpg Xqraiswe.JPG  Xqraifac.JPG  Xqraifuu.JPG 
Xqraiha2faces.jpg  Xqraihaapproach.jpg  Xqraihaattack.jpg  Xqraihacat.jpg  Xqraihacelebrate.jpg 
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the god of thunder 
raiha and fuuko 
raiha vs raiha 
raiha and the uruha jyusshinshuu
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