against all odds
This section was inspired by the site Focus on Yuiichirou and Rei: Yuuichirou vs The Rest. That particular segment compared Yuuichirou with the rest of Hino Rei's other admirers and crushes. This part also aims to do that, to compare Rai-chan against Fuuko-sama's other "pairs." It's a lot like my Friends section in The Fuuko Shrine, only here, I see how they pit up against my main man Rai-chan ^_^. This doesn't intend to put any of the other boys down. It's only my form of defense. feel free to voice out your opinions, violent reactions to me, the webmistress. All images here were altered by me. I don't mind them being borrowed, downloaded, used on other sites, but kindly give credit where credit is due. I would be thoroughly peeved if you go claim you edited these pics when I was the one who wasted all that time, effort and electricity to do so. Okay? Really now, this is all in the spirit of good fun, don't take it too seriously. *_* Intiende? Okay, let's begin with the most obvious one...
Hanabishi Recca....  
mr & mrs hanabishiFuuko's neighbor and childhood friend. If one is to follow the trend of "childhood friends,"most of them end up together like say, Yusuke and Keiko or Hinagiku and Takuro. Not so here. We all know what Fuuko thinks of Recca-kun and vice-versa ^_^. It was actually a case of Fuuko meeting Recca's challenge when they were kids, that if she beat him, he'd be on his knees and be her loyal ninja. Of course that never happened. Fuuko was never able to beat Recca at his own game. They would've been best friends if they had not been arguing all the time. Though their current relationship is more amicable than it used to be.  
Plus Points....   
Recca is adorably cute. He's not classic bishounen, but he's absolutely kawaiiiiii! He's known Fuuko for years so they can pretty much read each others minds, more or less. He's also familiar with her family as she is familiar with his. If they ended up together, Fuuko wouldn't have to move far away. Recca as a boyfriend...ideal I'd say. He's sweet, faithful and he'll defend his beloved until the ends of the earth. He's the knight-in-shining armor type.  
Chance For Romance....   
out of the way, yanagiNil. Little, if ever. It's pretty obvious to you and me who Recca is in love with ^_^. The pretty girl he calls his hime whom he serves head to foot. Unless you can get Yanagi out of the way. And even if you do get her out of circulation, it's going to be a little difficult to push Recca in Fuuko's direction. Recca, apparently likes his girls sweet and gentle. He seems to like damsels-in-distress types, which Fuuko is obviously not. And, for all the time he's known her, if he *really* liked her, he would've sai soemthing by now. Also, if Fuuko and he got together, they might end up perpetually at each other's throats. Fuuko, as a wife, or even as a girlfriend may be the domineering type (very characteristic of Leos. I should know, I am one!). And Recca isn't the type to be dominioned over. Recca, is after all, Leo too. Zodiacally, they're not compatible. Neither are they compatible in blood type. And, well, physically, they don't really match, do they?   
Raiha vs Recca   
What gives Raiha an edge over Recca-kun? Consider....  
Well, for one thing(the most important one too) he isn't in love with someone else.  
I can't imagine him fighting Fuuko in any age range (and don't give me that fuujin-raijin thing. For all we know it's just one of his excuses. Also, that's in the anime. He never said anything like it in the manga, as far as I know).  
He doesn't have to be beaten by Fuuko in a battle for him to serve her faithfully ^_^.  

Next in line...  
Tokiya Mikagami...  
mr and mrs mikagamiThe handsomest, sexiest, Hokage ninja to ever walk the planet (Of course I sound biased, I am after all, Tokiya no Hime!). You can beg to disagree but I won't listen, ha ha ha.  The sempai of the three Hokages.  Initally reluctant, but became a full-fledged Hokage ninja anyway since he thinks Recca isn't doing a good job of protecting Yanagi. Doesn't like Recca. Does not like Domon any better, and apparently gets along only with the female members of Hokage, namely Kagero, Yanagi and Fuuko. Has a better relationship with Koganei than with the other guys...probably because the latter earned his respect in their first encounter.. He treats Fuuko with respect, as he knows she's good at what she does.( He's such a gentleman!)  Fuuko looks at him the same way. With respect, that is.  

Plus Points  
What isn't to love about Tokiya-kun ^_~? He's the ultimate dreamboat! Tall, handsome, sexy, intelligent, talented and a perfect gentleman! Note also he's the best dressed Hokage ninja ^_^. Most importantly, he's available! Not tied to anything other than his sister's painful memory. He's also independent, and emotionally strong. A kind of wall to lean on. In short, he's as close to perfection as anyone can get. I think the most appropriate song for Tokiya would have to be, "You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you. You feel like heaven to touch. I want to hold you so much..."  

Chance for Romance....  
see? even they think the idea is incredulousThis is one of the more popular web pairings I've encountered. AND Tokiya wins my Fuuko-pairing poll ^_^! And why not? Choosing between Recca, Tokiya and Domon, the pick is pretty obvious ne? Really now, you have to be dumb, deaf and blind not to choose Tokiya-kun! Although he is the perfect choice....there's one problem. He's also attracted to someone else. Uhm, hard for us to admit it, but he's obviously drawn to Yanagi. This is more obvious in the manga than in the anime. But it's still obvious, ne? Given he isn't attracted to Yanagi, it's also hard to pair him up with Fuuko-san. Why? Their personalities are both strong. They just might repel each other (as in, like magnets). He's not the type to go down on bended knee. Wai! I could be prejudging Tokiya-kun. Tokiya the boyfriend is one sight I've yet to behold. He's Scorpio, and believe you me, Scorpio and Leo do not match (Nein!). He's also blood type A whilst she is B. If they beget a child, the kid is going to have an ABO incompatibility! (Yeah I know that sounds too technical, but hey, we're considering all points here ^_^).    

Raiha vs Tokiya  
Even I would have to admit that Tokiya is a little (JUST A LITTLE!) more than what Raiha is, measuring from looks, intelligence, sex appeal, and fashion sense. Given this, Tokiya is quite obviously more gifted than Raiha-kun. He seems to be on a better edge. But wait...what is Raiha that Tokiya isn't?  
He isn't in love with Yanagi (and I don't think Fuuko-san would be too happy as a *substitute* for Yanagi).  
He doesn't have a bone to pick over with anyone.   
He isn't skeptical or bitter with life (well, apparently).  
He's not prettier than Fuuko. (Really now, wouldn't a girl be insecured if her boyfriend looks more girlish than she does?)  
He's just a little (like maybe a degree or two Centigrades) warmer than Tokiya. 

Incidentally, I wrote a Tokiya-Fuuko fic. NOT BECAUSE I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND OR TURNED ON MY DEAR RAI-CHAN. I just had the kicks one day so there. Click here to read it ^_^.  

Domon Ishijima...   
fuuko and domonFuuko's biggest fan, obviously. Unofficial flagbearer of the Fuuko Fan Club, even if Fujimaru insists. Before they had been enemies too (I found out about this in manga no. 7) until Fuuko sent Domon to the hospital for like, a month. But he eventually falls for her afterwards. He's been in love with her for two years. A good friend and confidante. Fuuko's best friend, seemingly. Domon used to have hair. He cut it only because she said he looked batter with less. He's the "I would do anything for you." type for Fuuko-san.  

Plus points  
He loves her unconditionally. Yup, he loves her with all his heart and soul. He's willing to give up everything for Fuuko. Not that she doesn't appreciate it. Most of the time she does. He's loyal to her up to a fault. He would do anything and everything for her. She's his heart, his soul, his inspiration. There isn't a thing he wouldn't do for the love of Fuuko-san. Chivalrous and brave, strong and gentle at the same time. He's got a heart as big as his fist and a sense of humor to match. 

Chance For Romance...   
see she cant really stand himIn manga no. 7, Domon admits its a one-sided affair. Though if you look at the anime, she seems to return his feelings to a certain point. She seems to be in a state of perpetual denial ^_^ though. This isn't quite the case in manga. Fuuko keeps pushing Domon in the opposite direction when it comes to romance. She keeps cutting off his advances. While she treats him as a very good friend, she apparently draws the line there. She goes to certain lengths to help him out and she cares for him an awful lot too. Though if that close friendship will go beyond the bounds and fall in the category of love, we've yet to discover.  

Raiha vs Domon   
Rats, I'm going to sound really mean here, so if you love Domon, don't go on reading and click here instead.. I don't hate Domon-san, but I'm not too fond of him either.You just might start sending me *flames* in the mailbox. But then, come to think of it, go ahead if you want to burn me to hell. I really wouldn't mind joining my Master Kurei *_* ha, ha , ha, ha (*laughs dementedly like Kurei*) 
I don't even want to go to this, but physically speaking....Raiha is obviously the better looking one. No contest. hands down. (stating the obvious)  
He doesn't go around harassing Fuuko asking for kisses or hugs or dates.   
He's funny without looking like an idiot.  
He doesn't go about touching other girls or stripping them of their clothing (just ask Kirin *_*, manga no. 20).   
He doens't brag that he's better-looking or better-endowed than other people. (manga no. 9)  
He doesn't drool over other females' physical assets in front of Fuuko-san.  
He doesn't have to prove himself to anybody.  
He's not akin to short outbursts of temper.  
He isn't freakin paranoid. 
He's not insecure. 
He's more presentable to mom. (Raiha would look normal if you put in him in a t-shirt and jeans...I mean, try bringing home a guy with an outdated mohawk hairdo and a nose ring and see if your mother doesn't freak out) 

BTW, Domon is Taurus and is blood type O. Neither of which are compatible with Fuuko's zodiac sign and blood type. (I've researched on these Zodiac signs, and believe me, they aren't comp. The signs compatible with Leo are Sagittarius, Libra and Aries. Ergo, of all Hokages, she is most compatible with KOGANEI???? *_*). 

and then we have... 
take that, a**h@leYeeeeuuuch, did I really have to put this guy here? Alas, he is a necessary evil, as he becomes a Fuuko paramour after she beat him to a pulp during the opening round of the Urabutosatsoujin. (Hmmmm, do I see a pattern here? Guys whom Fuuko beat up fall for her?). He's the most despicable and dishonourable member of the Kuu Team that it surprises me Kukkai still puts up with him. Initially thought of Fuuko as an ugly girl, apparently changing his mind afterwards. Fuuko wouldn't like him in her dreams! Yuuuck. 

Plus Points mean there are some? 

Chance For Romance.... 
Get serious. This guy? Even Anzai Noboyuki couldn't make *this* happen. Mother of God! Heaven Forbid! He couldn't make her succumb to his *charms* in his wildest fantasies. Apparently sees Fuuko-san as some sex object (chest measurements anyone?). Fuuko would rather die inch by inch.  

Raiha vs Fujimaru 
Fujimaru was lucky Raiha didn't slice him up like he did Soukakousai for doing what he did to Fuuko-sama. Now how is Raiha-kun better that this sick moron? 
He's obviously better-looking. Hair, clothes, physique and fashion sense. 
He's *not* a pervert. 
He'd never call Fuuko ugly. 
He'd never hurt her physically under any circumstance.  
He respects Fuuko (despite that incident in manga no. 20, I'm pretty sure Raiha did it as a desperation move) 
He wouldn't embarasss Fuuko in front of a thousand spectators. 

finally there's.... 
cute saichoThe second in command to Kukkai in team Kuu. Beautiful, powerful and all-around adorable ^_^! Talented in terms of making origami and playing Playstation. Intelligent, polite, sweet and sensitive. Kaoru Koganei's best friend, and an ally of Team Hokage. Had a run-in with Fuuko-sama on the day of the registration of the Urabutosatsoujin and helped her up when he knocked her over. He also approaches her and covers her with his coat when she gets nearly stripped naked by Fujimaru. He also wraps up her wounds with his paper bandages.(My apologies for not having edited pics of Fuuko-Saicho ^^;;; as my graphics program expired before I could make any!)  

Plus Points 
Like Tokiya-kun, he's as close to perfection as one can get! He's handsome, sweet, polite, friendly, talented, intelligent, kind...everything you would want to bring home to your mother, and more! ^_^. He's the kind of guy who'd be a great beau to tow around. And he can also protect his beloved with his unique powers, using the Shiki Gami. Or his incredible fighting skills. Loyal and faithful, just the kind of guy you want by your side, these days and always! 

Raiha vs Saicho 
Also like that with Tokiya-kun, Raiha is going to have a difficult time competing with this boy wonder. Saicho is everything a girl can possibly want. Now how is Raiha going to top that? He can because... 
He's not engaged to /in love with someone else (as Saicho is with Misora, Kukkai's daughter) 
He's taller and older. (I just can't see Fuuko-san being the cradle snatching-type) 
He's not in a coma (Saicho falls victim to Joker just before the final round of the Urabutousatsoujin). 
He's healthier (Saicho can only fight for 10 minutes). 

Ofcourse you can always beg to disagree with me. If you have any arguments pro or against anyone in this article, then don't be shy and mail all of them to me ^_^. As I've said, you can flame me if you want, just say it straight to my face. I don't appreciate being backstabbed.  I put all input into the Wise Men Say section. This page is a reflection of my opinons and observations. Okaaaay? Now if you want to go to other pages, click on down there... 
in love
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