wooha raiha pics!
None of the pics are owned nor scanned by me. All screencaps are courtesy of Perlya's site The Willow Glade. The manga scans are courtesy of Quantum Queen's FOR with no Focus on Recca, Bottou-chan's The Flame of Recca Museum, Kamiya Shuusai of The Uruha Jyushinshuu, Hokuto Hanabishi of Hokage City, Julia of Raging Fire. Some images here were cropped from original manga scans by Quantum Queen. All cropping and editing done by me. Free for the taking but PLEASE give us a little credit. I do not appreciate image stealing...heck, let me rephrase that. Go ahead and steal, but do let everyone else know where you stole them from ^_~. Alright?  No hentai pics of Raiha either mwahaha.
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Xqraihajump.jpg  Xqraihakill.jpg  Xqraihalil.jpg  Xqraihamercy.jpg 
Xqraihanoface.jpg  Xqraihaold.jpg  Xqraihaplan.jpg  Xqraihaponders.jpg 
Xqraihaprince.jpg  Xqraiharock.jpg  Xqraihasd.jpg  Xqraihaside.jpg 
Xqraihaslap.jpg  Xqraihaslices.jpg  Xqraihasplash.jpg  Xqraihasuckin.jpg 
Xqraihatalks.jpg  Xqraihathinks.jpg  Xqraihawarn.jpg  Xqraihawarning.jpg 
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the god of thunder 
raiha and fuuko 
raiha vs raiha 
raiha and the uruha jyusshinshuu
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