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 miscellaneous fuuko stuff 
Hello everyone and this is the Miscellany page (obviously ^^;;;), where I dump everything else that doesn't fit in the other categories/sections. Lately i've gotten some awfully strange ideas and so I started putting them here. Unfortunately they've gotten too big for the page. So I decided to put a second Miscellany page. It contains a lot of *real dumb stuff* made for nothing but merely to appease my restlessness ( I get all huffy when I get ideas and I can't put them up) and to elicit a little laughter ^_^ (Yeah, so maybe they aren't that funny but you can't say I didn't try *_*). Inspired thoroughly by the Random Section of The Rurouni Kenshin Archive and the members of the Flame of Recca Mailing List !!!! Hey PEOPLE, if you're out there, this section's for ALL OF YOU ^_~ [Fuuko: As if they're going to like your pathetic attempt (*sweatdrop*). Webmistress: Ah, shut up, Fuuko-san. I'm the one running this this place.] So proceed! ^_^      
sexy fuuko
> You ditch your current wardrobe and start going on a buying spree of cycling shorts, sleeveless tees, sneakers and declare to your bewildered friends, "It's Fuuko-wear!"  

> You tie a white band with a central stone around your head.  

> You get a tattoo just like the one on the left side of this page.  

> You challenge your childhood friend/neighbor to a duel, with the stipulation that if you win, he's going to call you "hime" and serve you for the rest of his miserable adolescent life.  

> You cut your hair short at the back and let the bangs grow long, much to the horror of your mother ^_^  

> You classify the guys you date as:  
     >Domon...a persistent suitor and longtime friend  
     >Fujimaru...a gross guy who used to be your sworn enemy but is now the president of a fan club dedicated to you  
     >Kamui...that pervert you wish who stole your dessert  
     >Saicho...a cute guy you ran into but couldn't date without being labeled a cradle-snatcher  
     >Raiha...a nice suitor who comes from the rival school as you do  
     >Recca...that childhood friend you used to trade fists with, and now that he's grown into a cutie just won't give you the time of day because he likes soft girls  

> You dye your hair purple-brown.  

> You develop a peculiar liking for fluffy white creatures that look like furry mice.  

> You threaten your enemies that you're going to blow their houses out of the planet with tornadoes from your fuujin.  

> You have a particular allergy to mannequins.  

> You don't like puppets, either.  

> You become suspicious of female statues decorating the corridor.  

> You're not too fond of deep water.  

> You feel naked when your left arm is bare.  

> You have a particular attraction for ninjas.   

> You buy your clothes in shades of green.  

> You ask your boyfriend to get Domon's/Raiha's/Tokiya's/Recca's (depending on who you like) hairdo and wear either a nose ring/a matching headband/ a pony tail atop his head/ a band aid on his cheek.  

> You're babewatching at the beach, and the yardstick you measure for beauty is Fuuko-sama.  

> You use Fuuko as a gauge for the girls you date, i.e., they must have something in common with her.  

> You hate Yanagi for stealing any chances Fuuko might have with Recca.  

> You love Yanagi for taking away Recca so you can Fuuko all to yourself.  

> All of a sudden you wanted to be Domon Ishijima.  

> Or Recca Hanabishi  

> Or Tokiya Mikagami  

> Or Raiha  

> You start wielding a raijin on your arm and tell everyone that you and Fuuko  have a destiny together.  

> When surfing the net, your search word is always "Fuuko"  

> You create a Fuuko shrine (guilty!)  

> And the only thing you can think about is updating it. (beyond resonable doubt...)  

> The only mail you look for in your inbox is Fuuko mail.  

> And you delete the rest (*guilty*_*guilty*)   

> You rush to Lynn-chan's Keepsakes Corner and claim all of Fuuko's titles...keeper of the fuujin...of Fuuko's marvelous piece of anatomy...of Fuuko's ripped tees...of the fuujin spirits...  

> You attack the Miko Directory and harass the webmistress until she finally gives in and grants you the title of Fuuko no Miko (which, by the way, has already been claimed by ME ^^!)   

> You get access to all Flame of Recca voting lists and select the button for Fuuko as favorite FoR character and press it again....and again...and again...and again...and again...  

> You think that the only character worthy of Fuuko's unconditional love is you  

> You stare at the obscene vandalism on the wall of a public restroom with the four-letter "f" word, and start connecting the C to make a U and adding an O at the end to spell your favorite Flame of Recca character's name ^_^  

> You do extensive search in finding a madougu, and when you find one, audition to become a member of the Hokage Team (to get close to her, of course!)  

> Your e-mail address always has "Fuuko" in it, i.e., Fuuko_no_miko, fuuko_kirisawa, fuuko, etc.,(speaking of which, you can now get a Fuuko e-mail addy down there).   

> You wish you were a 2-dimensional character in ink and paper  

> You strongly believe (with deepest conviction) that the title of the series should be Wind of Fuuko and not Flame of Recca :P (*gets clobbered by Flame of Recca fans*  Orororooo *_*)  

> When the wind blows, you feel as if Fuuko is summoning you  

> You think Fuuko should be the star of Baywatch.  

> You write to Anzai Nobuyuki demanding that he make Fuuko her own series (kinda like a spin-off)  

> You print all the Fuuko pics you downloaded from the net and stick them up your wall, your desk, your car, your wallet, your plate....  

> You call your girlfriend "Fuu-chan/Fuuko-chan/Fuuko-sama..."  

> You call your boyfriend "Recca-chan/Domon-chan/Mi-chan/Rai-chan..."  

> You design your wedding ring like the fuujin  

> You keep coming back to this shrine and e-mailing the webmistress to no end demanding she update already *_*  

> When asked by your English teacher to write a story, the characters are all from Flame of Recca  

> You love windy days  

> You write a lot, and I do mean a lot of Fuuko fanfics  

> You name your newborn baby girl Fuuko  

> Your newborn is male and you still name him Fuuko  

> You're allergic to cauldrons and short old men in hawaiian shorts with glasses  

> Your favorite song all of a sudden is "She's Like The Wind" (that's the background music you hear at the opening of the shrine ^_^) 

> You have Fuuko wallpaper, Fuuko screensaver, Fuuko cursors, Fuuko pointers, Fuuko icons etc., 

> You find a Fuuko-lookalike to model for your painting 


Any contibutions to this list? Mail me!
 fuuko is numero uno!
To be honest, I wouldn't have a clue which of these reasons go first or last on why I love Fuuko-sama. That's why I didn't put numbers on them. If you want to contribute to this top spot, then mail me!
She's a babe. Purple hair, blue-violet eyes and a figure to die for! I know, Yanagi is beautiful also but they differ in some ways. Fuuko's beauty is more rugged, untamed, and unhoned.
She's tough. Hard as nails as they say. Ever hear her complain about all the hurting she's getting from all those battles? No sir!
She's courageous. No fear seems to be the motto of this anime girl. Even if she's fighting someone as formidable as Kurei, she never backs down.
She's smart. Fuuko isn't a dimwit, unlike some anime girls I know ^^;; who are just pathetically BAKAAAA *_*. Fuuko thinks before charging into an opponent. She's a strategist. To quote one Flame of Recca shrinekeeper, "Fuuko is the brains of the Hokage Team." Okay maybe she just jumps in the fray without a thought but that isn't often. 
She's sweet. Beneath all that rough exterior is a soft-hearted girl. I remember in particular that episode with Ganko and that one prior to her battle with Mikoto. Just shows that deep inside, she's a girl like any other.
She's strong. Physically and emotionally. See Fuuko make short work of the men around her ^^! Emotionally formidable too. She doesn't cry over the littlest thing. She seems to have built a fortress around her and doesn't show that deep inside, she crumbles too.
Everybody loves a winner...and that's what this unnatural girl is. So far (up to episode 34 of the anime, anyway) she hasn't lost a match. Uhhmm...except maybe that first one with Recca. But then she's supposed to lose to Recca. If not, they'd both be dead and we'd have no series to swoon over <_>! Latebreaker...she lost to Mikoto of the Uruha Kuranei but that's only because she fell out of the ring. At least she's alive...can't say for sure about Mikoto *_*.
She never gives up. One thing she isn't is a quitter. Despite everything  she still puts up a fight. Atta girl Fuuko!
She's atypical. Let's see...the sterotype anime female is: average-looking, has the IQ of a mule, cries more often than a two-day old baby, gets her friends/fiance/loved ones perpetually in trouble, and has the bravery equivalent to Scooby Doo (no offense there, I luv Scooby for all the coward he is). Fuuko is everything they aren't.
She's fiercely independent. She doesn't have to rely on Recca, Tokiya or Domon to get her butt out of a mess. Of course Raiha got to save her hide twice (not that she asked for it). But that's an entirely different story...^~.
 This cover song by Color Me Badd goes out fo Fuuko-sama...
Wild Flower
She's faced the hardest times you could imagine
And many times her eyes fought back her tears
And when her youthful world was about to fall in
Each time her slender shoulders
Bore the weight of all her fears
And the sound that no one hears
Still rings in midnight silence in her ears
Let her cry for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's achild
Let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild
And if by chance I should hold her
Let me hold her for a time
And if allowed but one possession
I will pick her from the garden to be mine
Be careful how you touch her for she'll awaken
For sleep's the only freedom that she knows
And when you look into her eyes you won't believe
The way she's always payin'
For a debt she never owes
And the silent wind still blows
That only she can hear and so she goes...
Natsumi-san made a song fic about this one. Check it out at the fanfic section!!!!
fuuko no oni