This part of the
shrine highlights Fuuko's battles throughout the anime series. Most
of this is based on my memory of the episode ^^ so it's not 100% accurate.
If there's any major detail I neglected to put, then tell
me! All contributions to this section are welcomed with open arms.
I'm sorry there aren't too many pictures here. More to come if and when
This is the first battle
of these two friends as Elemental warriors. Their childhood bickering doesn't
count. Fuuko has been trying to beat Recca
since they were able to walk without falling over. So far the attempts
were unsuccessful. Her main goal was to overcome Recca so he would be her
servant/ninja/dog. So when she finds out that Recca had become Yanagi's
personal bodyguard, she went ballistic. How can a girl as demure as Yanagi
beat Recca? She concluded that Recca might have just let himself be beaten
by Yanagi. Furious, she started picking on Yanagi with Recca coming to
his princess' defense. Fuuko then runs into Kage Houshi who tells her she
can help Fuuko beat Recca. This is where Fuuko is given the Fuujin.
Without her knowing, Kage Houshi had implanted a central stone in the fuujin
that would control Fuuko's mind.
that night, Fuuko calls Recca to challenge him on a battle at the school
grounds. This is where Fuuko, sans her personal mind control attacks Recca
with the power of the fuujin. Wind blast after
wind blast. She whips Recca from pillar to post with the incredible gusts
of wind powered by her madougu. Recca was having a little difficulty using
his newly-discovered flame power (it's new of course). Domon
arrives and sees his two best friends at each other's throat. He runs to
Fuuko and begs her to snap out of it. He notices her apparent loss of self-control.
At this point, Fuuko loses it and creates a killer tornado around her.
This one was guaranteed to annhialate Recca, but at her own cost. She would
die from suffocation in a few minutes. Recca and Domon frantically think
of a way to save, not only their hides, but Fuuko's life as well. Recca's
baseball cap is blown towards the center of the tornado where they find
no air. Recca enters through this port and gets inside Fuuko's tornado.
Here he destroys the central stone of the fuujin
and restores Fuuko back to normal. Fuuko-sama apparently lost her first
battle ^_^ but that's okay. If Recca didn't do what he did, they'd be clobbering
each other in the Great Beyond. Hats off to you, Recca-san!
Uhhh...sorry. I don't
have pictures of this one. This is a brief battle during the time Yanagi
was kidnapped by Kaoru and Mokouran and brought to Kurei's stronghold.
Technically, this battle was Fuuko's and Recca's. A statue of a woman guarded
the corridor of Kurei's mansion and it fired laser beams. The problem was
it was so precise and accurate, the Hokage ninjas could not get through
it. What did they do? Fuuko (intelligent girl that she is) figured that
after firing one beam, the statue took some time before firing a second
beam. So she worked out a plan with Recca She set herself as a decoy and
when it fired, Recca attacked it immediately. Thus they were able to smash
it to ribbits.
battle that took place in the balcony of Kurei's mansion. Ganko, in the
guise of a living red-haired mannequin aka Reiran Katshiro (they didn't
know it was a mannequin yet), welcomed the three (Recca, Fuuko
and Domon) amidst a flurry of mannequins. These living dolls
went into a dance number before attacking Hokage team. They had a chase
seen until the balcony where the ninjas made short work of the mannequins.
An angry Reiran challenged the Hokage ninjas to a final confrontation.
Fuuko answered the challenge. The two of
them engaged in a duel where Fuuko seemingly had the upper hand. Reiran
merely made defense moves. What Fuuko didn't know was that Reiran had wrapped
puppet strings around her arms and legs. Reiran controlled Fuuko's extremities
and had her attack her friends. In the process of avoiding Fuuko's attacks,
Recca and Domon had also gotten entangled in Reiran's puppet strings.
They are trapped and unable to help Fuuko. Reiran ordered her little puppet
Primela (which in truth was the REAL GANKO) to finish up Fuuko. Primela
injured Fuuko but was unable to totally finish her. Since she was not in
control of her extremities, Fuuko could not use her fuujin on Reiran. Fuuko
then used the power of the fuujin on herself.
With the wind encircling her, the strings snapped and she was set free.
She confronted the "little puppet girl" and told her the discovery she
made. Fuuko had noticed that when she was fighting Reiran, the latter was
not injured by any of Fuuko's attacks. She had then suspected that Reiran
was not a real person. This was further confirmed when the "little puppet
girl" was told to finish Fuuko. She had noticed the hesitancy of the puppet
to kill her and the beads of sweat on its forehead. She thus concluded
that the real puppet master was the little girl and not the red-haired
woman. Ganko cried and admitted that she was merely ordered by Kurei to
kill the Hokage ninjas and she actually meant no harm.
Morikawa was orphaned a year before. She missed her mother a lot, and when
she saw a mannequin displayed at a store window who looked like her mother,
she kept coming back to it. Kurei had seen her lonely longing and gave
her the mannequin and a kugutsu- a madougu that gave life to inanimate
objects that wore it. Kurei adopted her and she became a member of the
Uruha. After getting beaten by Fuuko, Ganko became worried of what Kurei
would think. Fuuko (showing her gentle feminine side ^^) reassured the
little girl and took her in as a friend. They even had a cute little hugging
scene. Ganko had since then become an ally of the Hokage Team. She even
joined them in the Urabutousatsoujin and put her Kugutsu on a stuffed fox
*_* which began talking like gossip show host. Boy was that fox nuts ^^;;;.
I particularly liked the part when it jumped Tokiya on the head ^^. Anyone
know what it's name is? I don't *_*.
match took place at the opening round of the Urabutousatsoujin. It was
the third match. Tokiya had previously beaten Daikouku and Domon's match
with Minamiyo was a draw. It was in this match that Fuuko introduced the
Kazetsume, an innovation of her fuujin. Fujimaru
stepped on the ring holding two blades which looked like small sickles.
If you ask me, he's the most despicable and nauseating member of the Kuu
team. Heck I dunno how he became a member of the team anyway. He is just
so gross >_<! The opening round consisted of Fuuko attacking and Fujimaru
dodging. His madougu enabled him to have incredible speed. While he was
at it, he was slicing Fuuko's clothes bit by bit *.*! She started the match
wearing a long-sleeved white blouse and jeans and by the time this image
was taken...look! Yikes! Unknown to Fujimaru, the brief gusts of wind Fuuko
was sending his way were not useless attacks. Just as he was about to finish
her off, he was unable to move his legs. The wind attacks paralyzed his
lower extremities. He
begged for his life as Fuuko was pondering
how to demolish him. He then flattered her, saying she looked pretty and
she reminded him of a supermodel. Fuuko, (I suppose the girl in her got
a bit carried away....either that or her soft side was showing ^_^) forgave
Fujimaru and turned back. Wrong move, as Fujimaru
released himself from the paralysis and attacked her again. The unsuspecting
Fuuko was knocked off and had gotten her already flimsy clothing more torn.
Fujimaru was aiming to embarass her by undressing her bit by bit in front
of the thousands of spectators. He even called her "ugly" and berated her,
saying "How could you even think I find you pretty? Yuck!". As a last ditch
attempt, Fuuko released the blades of the Kazetsume
( called the Onitsume) to fire at Fujimaru. He
avoided them. At this point Fuuko was fighting a battle with consciousness
as everything became blurred. Just as everyone thought she would lose the
round, the Onitsume came flying towards Fujimaru,
stabbing him at the back. For the second time, he begs for his life, flattering
Fuuko with flowery words. Fuuko appeared to believe them and told Fujimaru
she'd let him live. Fujimaru, scheming and all was going to backstab her,
when she said, "You know if there's one thing I don't like, it's a liar."
With that, she mentally orders the Kazetsume
to finish off Fujimaru. Fuuko then wins her first battle at the Urabutosatsoujin
giving The Hokage Team their second victory.
I tried re-writing
this match but it ended up the same way as a fellow Fuuko fan ( who pointed
the inconsistency to me) told me, so it kinda looked like I plagiarised
it. So, I decided to post the e-mail she sent me. Ergo, this battle will
be written as how she wrote it. Ladies and gentlemen, Fuuko vs Gashakura
as written by a fellow Fuuko fan (she won't tell me her name, ne?)
was itching to do battle when she came face to face with this giant. She
had missed two fights in the tournament: one with Uruha Maboroshi and one
with Uruha Oto. The first one she missed because she had been trapped with
Domon in a water pit. The second one she was
not able to participate with since there were only 3 members of the Uruha
Oto, and Recca
and Tokiya
had taken care of them. Fuuko faced Gashakura in the third match of
the quarterfinal rounds. Fuuko began this match with incredible support
from the audience. They were chanting her name, and a Fuuko Fan Club flag
waved enthusiastically in the audience...held by none other than that ugly
SOB Fujimaru (*yuck*). Apparently he's changed
colors *_* but he's still vomit-inducing >_<. The match started out
well. Gashakura was initially using his "Morning star", a spiked ball &
chain. Fuuko quickly dodged his attacks
while using her kazetsume to cut the spikes off
the "Morning Star" of her unsuspecting opponent. When the ball & chain
became deprived of all its spikes, Gashakura expressed his admiration of
Fuuko's skill. He praised her and was amused at having a worthy opponent.
He then attacked using his madougu- the magagumo. It is a series of tentacles,
located on his shoulder, three for each side. The madougu was initally
thought of as merely part of his armor. It extended all the way across
the arena like the feet of a spider. Fuuko intelligently dodged these "spider
legs" by jumping outside the arena so he wouldn't catch her. She ran around
the arena, avoiding the tentacles and then as Gashakura withdrew them,
she counterattacked, firing the Kazetsume blades
towards him. The audience and the judges were impressed by this display.
Gashakura, despite the fact that she was making chopped liver out of him,
was amazed, and apparently excited. He wondered where she would come from
and what she would do next. This was much to the dismay of one of Mori
Kouran's guests who had placed his bet on Gashakura's victory. Mori Kouran
then instructed to put laser barriers on the arena. Fuuko
was hurt twice by the laser beams. The first time, she was outside the
arena and had jumped in to finish Gashakura when Mori Kouran turned them
on; the result being that they were in the middle of Fuuko's path. She
then got electrocuted and dropped to the ground. The Hokage then argued
with Kouran who told them that they do have the final say but that if Fuuko
refused to fight under these conditions she would be disqualified. Fuuko
then gets up and tells Recca that if she was going to lose, then he should
let her lose on her own. She continues fighting, but is obviously hurting
and tired. Gashakura asks her why she didn't quit and tells her that she
is hurt seriously. She replies by saying that she can still fight and that's
why she is and then she attacks him. However, his couonter attack hits
her and sends her flying, right into the laser beams. This is when she
gets electrocuted for the second time. No one thinks she can get up after
that and the judge start to say that Gashakura is the winner but is stopped
by Fuuko who get up saying that she can still fight. That is when Gashakura
hits the poles and desstroys the laser beams. After that , the fight continues
and even though the laser beams are not there any more, Fuuko gets beat
up because she is very badly hurt. That is when she falls for the third
time. Again, the referre starts announcing Gashakura's win.She stops
when Fuuko tries to get up, saying that she can still fight, but the referee
continues when Fuuko is unable to get up. Desperate, Fuuko begs the Fujin
to give her the strength to fight some more. That is when the crystals
start to glow and Fuuko, being so intuitive, uses one and in the process,
discovers a new weapon in her fuujin. agree to help her out. Fuuko
stands up (much to the delight of her fan club) and removes one of the
fuujin's small stones,asking them to "Give me the power!" What appears
as the fuujin is a small, furry, white creature that looks like a stuffed
toy *_*. None of the audience (Hokage Ninjas included) believed this was
anything threatening, other than Raiha (who
was at the arena that time) who apparently knew of the spirit's existence.
The spirit of the fuujin says they (there's four of them) have chosen her
to be their master and requested for her to find the fuujin's central stone.
Gashakura then attacks. The spirit of the fuujin then asks Fuuko to throw
it to Gashakura, which she obliges to do. The furball rotated at incredible
speed and was sent hurling towards Gashakura, pushing him up and sending
him crashing towards the stadium ceiling. He then falls unconscious to
the floor and is counted out. Fuuko wins another one for the Hokage Ninja
Team! But then, Magensha steps in the ring, scolds his younger bro (Gashakura)
and sets off to fight Fuuko. Recca and Domon beg Fuuko to step down as
she aready had too many wounds. Fuuko stubbornly refuses, and acknowledges
she has no strength left. But she wanted to weaken or injure Magensha,
even just a little so Domon would have less difficult time defeating him
(what a great friend you are Fuuko ^^;;;). Sad to say, her attacks proved
to be futile, as they did not seem to even scratch Magensha. Magensha then
opens a portal leading into empty space and sends Fuuko there, trapping
her into an empty void.
I know, I know ^_^
it's been ages and I still haven't written these two battles. Gomen nasai!!!!
It's just that I've been to busy to watch them on video so I couldn't write
them down properly. I'll write when I finally get to see their matches.
Okay ^_^?